John Mellencamp Is Not Thrilled With The Bipartisan Gun Bill

John Mellencamp had some harsh words for the new Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, he still believes is still too weak to be effective. The new legislation in Washington, D.C. would secure background checks for gun buyers under 21, as well as making it easier to take away weapons from those threatening to harm themselves or others, along with those who have a history of domestic violence.

Mellencamp tweeted a message to regarding the current climate of gun murders in the U.S.:

Only in America, and I mean only, in America, can 21 people be murdered and a week later be buried and forgotten, with a flimsy little thumbnail, a vague notion of some sort of gun control law laying on the senators' desks. What kind of people are we who claim that we care about pro-life?

Just so you know, anyone that's reading this....politicians don't give a f*** about you, they don't give a f*** about me, and they don't give a f***about our children. So, with that cheery thought in mind, have a happy summer, because it will be just a short time before it happens again.    

John Mellencamp


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