Coldplay's Chris Martin says the band will stop at 12 albums.

Chris Martin has further explained Coldplay's plan to stop releasing albums once they've made 12 of them.

Martin tells NME that they won't make his previous deadline of releasing their final album in 2025. "There’s one more thing, which is a musical. [That’s] album number-11, but that might have to come out after album 12 because of how long musicals take to animate."

“Our last single is on [Moon Music], and that’s called ‘All My Love’. That’s the last ‘single’ single. We have the musical thing, then an album just called Coldplay, which is the final one. I think that will be a year late -- I know it will be.”

As for people who think this just might be a joke, Martin says, “The 12-album thing is very real, and it’s a nice feeling. It doesn’t mean we won’t tour or finish some compilation things or outtakes or whatever. It just means that the main story is told. That’s just what feels really right. Just knowing that’s happening supercharges all the work we’re doing now.”

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