Why Brit Paul McCartney will be at Super Bowl 59 on Feb. 9th-

Paul McCartney has attended the last two Super Bowls, and, responding to a fan's question on his website, he says he has his late wife to thank for introducing him to American football.

"Well, being married to Linda meant I was in America quite a bit. We spent a lot of time there with her family and American football was always on the television. I would watch it with everyone but not really know what was going on!

"Then Linda gave me a big clue. She said, ‘See that guy there? When the two teams line up against each other, there’s a guy who receives the ball. Keep an eye on him, he’s called the quarterback, and he’s going to pass it to someone. All the action comes from him.’ So, once I had that clue, I found it much easier to follow.

"I watched a lot of it and grew to really like it, because it’s quite a complicated and strategic game -- and obviously very athletic. In Britain we used to laugh at it, saying, ‘They wear all those pads and protective gear. We don’t, we’ve got rugby, a proper sport!’ But I got over all that, and found I really liked it. So yeah, I’m a big fan of football, American-style."

Paul also took part in his crew's football pool on his recent tour. "I won once and everyone hated me! They said, ‘Oh god, oh no!’ Because of course there’s money involved and I’m their boss. But I said, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll give the winnings to charity.’ It was only that one time. But, believe me, it was a thrill!"

McCartney performed at Super Bowl 36 in 2002 (his first performance with his current band), and then did the halftime of Super Bowl 39 in 2005.

Super Bowl 59 will be held at the Superdome in New Orleans on February 9th.

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